Tag Archives: fundus explorer

Science behind smartphone fundoscopy

Science behind smartphone fundoscopy

The advent of smartphones has ushered in a new era of accessibility and convenience in various aspects of our lives, including healthcare. One remarkable application of smartphone technology in the medical field is smartphone fundoscopy, which enables healthcare professionals and even individuals to capture high-resolution images of the eye’s fundus using just a smartphone. This […]

The Future of Eye Health: Smartphone Fundoscopy Takes Center Stage

Smartphone Fundoscopy

Advancements in technology have transformed our lives in countless ways, and one notable area of innovation is healthcare. In particular, the development of smartphone fundoscopy has brought about a significant shift in eye care. With the ability to capture high-quality images of the retina using a smartphone camera, this technology has revolutionized the field, making […]

Smartphone Fundoscopes: future advancements and innovations

Smartphone Fundoscopes: future advancements and innovations

The smartphone has become an indispensable tool in our daily lives, serving as a means of communication, entertainment, and information access. In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in using smartphones for healthcare applications, especially in the field of ophthalmology. One such application is the use of smartphone fundoscopes, which are devices that […]

How to Choose the Right Smartphone Fundoscope for your Practice

Smartphone Fundoscope

When it comes to choosing a smartphone fundoscope for your medical practice, there are a few key factors to consider. A fundoscope is an ophthalmic device that attaches to a smartphone and allows you to examine the fundus, or the back of the eye, in order to diagnose and monitor various eye conditions. With so […]

The Impact of Smartphone Fundoscopy on Patient Outcomes

Smartphone Fundoscopy

Recently, ophthalmology has seen a trend toward using smartphone fundoscopes as a diagnostic tool. These devices connect to the camera of a smartphone and enable the capturing of high-resolution fundus images for the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases. One of the most significant impacts of smartphone fundoscopy on patient outcomes is the ability to […]

Image Quality of Smartphone Fundoscopes VS Traditional Fundoscopes

Smartphone Fundoscopy

Ophthalmology is a field that has seen significant advancements in recent years, and one of the most exciting developments has been the advent of smartphone fundoscopy. A smartphone fundoscope is a device that attaches to the camera of a smartphone and allows for the capture of high-quality fundus images. This technology has the potential to […]

Smartphone Fundoscopy: A Breakthrough in Glaucoma Diagnosis and Management

  As ophthalmologists, we are constantly searching for new and innovative ways to improve our diagnostic capabilities, especially when it comes to detecting and managing glaucoma. One such technology that has recently emerged is the use of smartphone fundoscopes. A smartphone fundoscope is a device that attaches to the camera of a smartphone and allows […]

A retina checkup to the cat, boji by smartphone !!

A retina checkup to the cat, boji by smartphone

Animals suffer from eye problems that are similar to those which affect humans. These problems include cataracts, glaucoma, dry eye, corneal ulceration, tumors of the eye, eyelid defects, inflammation of the eye and surrounding tissues, retinal degeneration, and many others. Owners may notice a loss of vision, a change in the appearance of the eye, […]

Roth Spots, Case presentation, causes, examination and management

Roth Spots, Case presentation, causes, examination and management

Roth spots case report A 46-year-old man presented with a four-week history of progressive bilateral visual loss. He also reported malaise, fever, anorexia, and night sweats, and had lost 14 kg in weight. He denied any history of exposure to HIV-related risk factors. Visual acuities at presentation were 6/36 in each eye with quiet anterior […]

Smartphone Fundus Camera : Retinal imaging by your smartphone

Retinal imaging by your smartphone

The most critical aspect of eye care practice is the Fundus examination. Fundus photography is superior to fundus analysis as it enables intraocular pathologies to be photo captured and encrypted information to be shared with colleagues and patients. Recent technologies allow smartphone-based attachments and integrated lens adaptors to transform the smartphone into a portable fundus […]

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